It didn't take long for Universal Pictures to decide to remake its Wolfman franchise yet again. A mere year after their last attempt (starring Benicio Del Toro and Anthony Hopkins) bombed at the box office, what could have been a revival of the classic horror series is instead being revamped yet again.
The failure of 2010's The Wolfman, directed by Joe Johnston, is a complicated tale of too many cooks in the kitchen. It was a project with great potential that didn't live up to expectations, especially as the vision for the production kept changing. Would it be faithful to the original Lon Chaney, Jr., saga that thrilled audiences starting in 1941 or would it be a more contemporary version? Would it use retro practical make-up or utilize more modern digital special effects?
Second-guessers now seem to claim that the 2010 film was too old-fashioned. Now the table is set to start all over again. I fear that they'll try to make it more of a Twilight-type werewolf story instead of continuing with the mythic elements that made the Chaney version such a crowd pleaser.
The Universal monsters are legendary and I believe there is still an audience for them. Hopefully, any remakes won't be misguided attempts to cash in on fly-by-night trends, but rather the kind of timeless films that will continue to entertain audiences for generations to come, just as those black-and-white classics did and continue to do.
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